Made for Pole. Made for You.
Choose Your Focus
Courses in the Perfect Ten Series are a la carte and cover a range of topics from inversions to fluidity. You choose the courses and structure your training around what you want to work on.

Start Where You Are
Each a la carte course has clear prerequisites based on your current abilities so you can choose what works for you and your skills. No more worrying about what level labels mean and and where you belong!

Set Your Own Pace
Courses are always available, so you can pause and resume your training as needed, whenever it fits your schedule. No more feeling pressured to keep up, no more feeling guilty for missing a live class.

What's the Perfect Ten Series?
The Perfect Ten Series is a comprehensive collection of a la carte online pole dance courses, each focused on a specific topic and designed to take your skills to new heights.
Each course features TEN expertly crafted lessons, complete with video demos, written instructions, and audio notes to guide you.
Plus, each course contains a bonus section with extra challenges and combos so you can use what you've learned!
Here's the Deal...
A drop in class at a studio typically costs anywhere from $25-35. It's one lesson, one time.
Perfect Ten Series courses are a la carte, so you buy only what you want. Each course is has 10 lessons, plus bonus lessons, which can be used over and over again for just $20 ...
that's less than the cost of a single drop in.
A Message From Bee
I’m Sara Bee, the Bee behind the Bee's Knees. I'm a certified professional educator with nearly twenty years of classroom experience, and I've been teaching pole dance for almost a decade. You could say I know a thing or two about both education and pole dancing!
The Perfect Ten Series represents a culmination of all my years of experience, both in teaching and in pole, and I've built these courses solidly on key principles of adult learning theory.
Adults want to control how, when, and what they learn. The courses in the Perfect Ten Series are a la carte; because you choose the courses you want to take, you are empowered to take charge of the learning on your pole journey. Each course has videos, written guides, and audio notes to support different learning modalities. You choose the pace, the skills, and the order in which you learn, ensuring that your pole training aligns perfectly with your pole goals. You are no longer a vicim of the algorithm telling you what to learn next! You decide, and that makes the learning that much more valuable.
Adult learners want to know that what they are learning is relevant to their lives now and can be implemented immediately. The courses in the Perfect Ten Series ensure that your learning is directly applicable to your pole goals because they are designed to address the most common challenges and aspirations of pole dancers. Plus, at the end of each course there's a bonus combo, sequence, or challenge that shows you how to implement what you've learned. Putting what you've learned immediately into action helps you kiss your doubts about your pole progress goodbye.
Zone of Proximal Development
Vygotzky's Zone of Proximal Development isn't strictly related to adult learning theory, but it works for adults. Basically, you learn best when you're appropriately challenged, but not completely overwhelmed. The courses in the Perfect Ten Series are structured to present you with new concepts and skills that are just beyond your current abilities, pushing you to reach your full potential and achieve success. With the support and guidance of the course, you bridge the gap between what you can do now and what you want to be able to do, which keeps you coming back and wanting to learn more.
Now that you know everything that goes into each of these courses, you can see why the courses in the Perfect Ten Series are the perfect way to to reach your pole goals. They were designed for you with your needs and goals in mind!