You're new to pole and so you're wondering, Are volleyball knee pads good enough for pole dancing? Trust me, they aren't.
When I first started pole dancing, I didn’t want to wear knee pads. None of the pole celebrities I looked up to were wearing them. I thought it made me tougher, somehow more OG to not wear them. No pain, no gain, right? Then, I fell in love with floorwork and slipping, sliding, kipping, and flipping. And boy did my knees take a beating. I figured it was time to spring for some knee pads.
My first pair of knee pads were inexpensive volleyball knee pads, something I found on Amazon that could be at my house in two days with no fuss. They were cheap, and I figured knee pads are knee pads right? WRONG.
The more I trained kips-- sometimes landing crooked, other times just repeating that same banging motion before I learned proper form-- the more banged up my knees. I even developed bursitis (also known as "housemaid's knee") on my left knee because the volleyball knee pads went flat after just a few training sessions, and there was no option to replace the pad inserts.
With Bee's Knees Knee Pads I knew I could solve the problem of forgetting to put your knee pads on before your shoes. I knew the design had to be sleek and sexy if I wanted a single pole dancer to even consider wearing them. But I also knew I had to create something that would protect pole dancer knees from the beatings they take. That's why the Standard inserts that come fitted in every pair of Bee's Knees Knee Pads are so good.
Whether you are a regular knee pad wearer or not, it’s good to have a pair on hand. And since Bee’s Knees Knee Pads look cute and are so easy to put on and take off, you might find you’re more likely to wear knee pads, rather than avoiding the hassle and paying the price later.
Volleyball knee pads aren't good for pole dance because they aren't designed for pole dance. They don't have the protection we need, the convenience we want, or the style we crave. Break up with your volleyball knee pads, and break in a pair of Bee's Knees Knee Pads instead. Your knees will thank you for it.